Cool news for myself as a shaper, and amazing news for team rider Chance Gaul! I was stoked to see Chance on the cover of our local newspaper, The Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot, boosting an air in front of Dagwood. It is amazing to whatch Chance ripping on his Grape Gold Digger (EPS/Epoxy 5'5" x 18" x 2 1/16" ). I designed the Gold Digger to fit the void between a board for smaller waves, and a shortboard for bigger ones. California does have a few perfect golden wave days, but most of the time you need to dig-in yourself and make the magic happen. Compared to our Secret Agent, which is our perfect day shortboard, the Gold Digger has a slightly wider tail block for more lift, along with a slightly shorter, wider, curvier outline for tighter turns in the medium-sized pockets.
Paul Wade